
Viaje fotográfico a Atacama y Uyuni

Vía Láctea y paisajes en el norte de Chile y Bolivia

Disfruta de un tour fotográfico por Atacama y Uyuni para capturar los paisajes nocturnos más impresionantes y los lugares más fotografiables de estas regiones, que son únicas en el mundo. En este viaje a Atacama y Uyuni podrás fotografiar desde el desierto más seco de la Tierra hasta los salares más grandes del mundo, además de cielos nocturnos espectaculares, volcanes nevados, lagunas llenas de flamencos, cactus y vegetación endémica, géiseres, páramos y formaciones geológicas de otro mundo.

Este foto tour por Atacama y Uyuni tendrá lugar en marzo de 2025, durante la estación seca, que es la mejor época del año para fotografiar la Vía Láctea reflejándose sobre el salar de Uyuni.

Dos personas mirando la Vía Láctea en el Salar de Uyuni

23 de marzo – 2 de abril de 2025

11 días y 10 noches

Moderada: Caminatas a gran altitud y fotografía nocturna
Pequeño: 12 participantes + 2 fotógrafos y guías
$7,400 USD

(Habitación doble compartida)

No incluido
Ted Fields
Ted Fields
¡Bien organizado!
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No sé cómo puede organizar las cosas tan bien Capture the Atlas. Dan Zafra y David Aguilar fueron guías excelentes dando información y pacientes hasta con los neófitos astronómicos como yo.
Juan Carlos Ruiz
Juan Carlos Ruiz
¡Hermoso viaje!
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¡Qué viaje más maravilloso y bonito! Todo perfectamente organizado, lleno de aventuras, paisajes y lugares para fotografiar de día y de noche. Muchas sesiones de astrofotografía, con tiempo suficiente tanto para aprender como para practicar.
Prabal Bhattacharya
Prabal Bhattacharya
¡Una experiencia única!
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Debo decir que, como astrofotógrafo principiante, no podría haber pedido más. Esta fue una experiencia inolvidable. La forma en que Capture the Atlas organizó el viaje y planificó los días, de manera tan meticulosa, hizo que este viaje fuera increíble.

Descripción del tour fotográfico

Atacama y el Altiplano son algunas de las regiones más impresionantes y fotogénicas de los Andes. Tanto la altitud como la posición geográfica de estas áreas hace que posea unos paisajes, flora, fauna y cielos nocturnos únicos.

Atacama es el desierto no polar más seco de la Tierra, pero además aquí se encuentran algunos de los observatorios internacionales más importantes, como ALMA y Paranal. La gran altitud, la humedad casi inexistente y las condiciones atmosféricas son la trilogía perfecta para tener unas condiciones ideales y observar los cielos nocturnos. Si a esto le sumamos grandes volcanes, formaciones geológicas, cactus endémicos y hermosas lagunas, te aseguro que esta región es, muy probablemente, la mejor del mundo para la astrofotografía de paisaje.

Según avancemos hacia el norte y hacia elevaciones más altas, el ecosistema cambia de forma drástica. El Altiplano Andino es la meseta más alta del mundo después del Tíbet y las fuertes lluvias de las estaciones húmedas y las sequías de las estaciones secas forman unos paisajes únicos, desde lagunas llenas de flamencos y vida salvaje hasta el salar más grande del mundo en Uyuni. Justo por todo esto las posibilidades fotográficas son infinitas.

Entre finales de marzo y principios de abril es el momento ideal para visitar y fotografiar Atacama y el Altiplano. Esto se debe a que durante la estación seca es más fácil encontrar los cielos despejados y a que es la única época del año en la que se puede capturar una imagen única: la de la Vía Láctea reflejada en Uyuni.

Puesta de sol con un bosque de cactus gigantes en primer plano

Destacados del viaje fotográfico por Atacama y Uyuni

    • Tour fotográfico del 23 de marzo al 2 de abril de 2025
    • Tamaño del grupo: 12 participantes + 2 fotógrafos + guías locales
    • Temas principales: Astrofotografía, paisaje y vida salvaje
    • Áreas principales: Atacama (Norte de Chile) y Altiplano (Bolivia)
    • Alojamiento incluido en los mejores hoteles de la zona
    • Transporte incluido durante todo el viaje
    • Todas las entradas a parques nacionales y atracciones incluidas
    • Sesiones de fotografía nocturna en Uyuni (con opción de acampar bajo las estrellas)

Guía oficial del tour fotográfico a Atacama y el Altiplano

Atacama and Uyuni Photo Tour Brochure

Itinerario del viaje fotográfico por Atacama y el Altiplano 2025

Aunque el itinerario ya está planificado, el horario va a ser totalmente flexible para poder adaptarnos al clima y poder disfrutar de las mejores condiciones posibles.

Estamos viajando a estas regiones en un momento que estadísticamente es ideal para la fotografía de paisaje y astrofotografía, pero las nubes y el viento pueden aparecer en cualquier momento del año, de ahí que debamos ser flexibles para maximizar las probabilidades de éxito en cada ubicación.

A continuación, puedes ver el itinerario del taller de fotografía por Atacama & Bolivia al detalle:

Día 1: Tour fotográfico en Atacama

Nuestro tour fotográfico por Atacama & Uyuni empieza en la ciudad de Calama, donde te recogeremos a las 9 horas para dirigirnos hasta nuestro campamento base, en pleno corazón del desierto de Atacama, dentro de la reconocida ciudad de San Pedro de Atacama.

San Pedro es el epicentro del desierto chileno de Atacama y es una ciudad vibrante y muy bien ubicada, cerca de las principales atracciones turísticas de la región. Nuestro campamento base, durante la estancia en San Pedro, será la Casa de Don Tomás, que es uno de los mejores hoteles de la ciudad.

Tras hacer las presentaciones y explicaciones del tour, haremos un repaso de todo el equipo para asegurarnos de que todos estáis familiarizados con vuestras cámaras y sus configuraciones para las sesiones diurnas y nocturnas.

La primera ubicación para empezar con la fotografía será el Vallecito, un valle seco lleno de tierras baldías y formaciones geológicas espectaculares cerca de San Pedro de Atacama. Aquí fotografiaremos el famoso Autobús mágico de Atacama y los vastos paisajes del desierto al atardecer.

Después de la hora azul, haremos nuestra primera sesión fotográfica de la Vía Láctea, donde capturaremos los cielos nocturnos que han hecho famoso al desierto de Atacama.

Formación rocosa en mitad de la noche con un cielo estrellado

Badlands en la zona de Vallecito, en Atacama

Autobús mágico en el desierto de Atacama

Tour fotográfico por las formaciones rocosas de Vallecito, Atacama

Formación rocosa y Vía Láctea

Autobús del desierto de Atacama

Día 2: Tour fotográfico en Atacama

Durante el segundo día de nuestro foto tour en Atacama, fotografiaremos uno de los lugares más especiales del desierto, el Valle del Arcoíris.

Este valle, ubicado a aproximadamente una hora en coche desde San Pedro, está lleno de badlands y formaciones rocosas increíbles. Texturas, líneas y patrones multicolor es lo que más abunda en este valle.

Pasaremos la tarde aquí caminando y fotografiando las formaciones más características. En caso de que tengas dron, asegúrate de traerlo, ya que esta zona es ideal para fotografías aéreas.

Sin embargo, el mejor momento para disfrutar de este valle es por la noche, cuando la oscuridad y mil millones de estrellas se apoderan del lugar, momento en el que puedes disfrutar de unas vistas inigualables del cielo, con cero contaminación lumínica. Fotografiaremos la Vía Láctea desde diferentes puntos para que puedas capturar nuestra galaxia elevándose sobre estos impresionantes paisajes.

Foto de la Vía Láctea en el Valle Arcoíris

Vista aérea de las tierras baldías y las formaciones rocosas del desierto de Atacama

Vía Láctea en el Valle Arcoíris

Día 3: Tour de astrofotografía en Atacama

En este tercer día del viaje fotográfico por Atacama nos dirigiremos hasta un punto más alto, concretamente hasta el área de Machuca.

Esta región es un puente entre el seco desierto de Atacama y el Altiplano y ofrece unos paisajes únicos, con mucha vida silvestre y una vegetación que no se puede encontrar en ningún otro sitio.

Aquí fotografiaremos el mirador del volcán Putana y algunas lagunas en las que suele haber flamencos, que son los puntos más emblemáticos.

Flamenco mirando al agua en las lagunas del volcán Putana

También haremos varias paradas a lo largo del camino para hacer fotografías y poder capturar las montañas, los volcanes y la fauna del lugar, como los guanacos.

Por la tarde conduciremos hasta el Cañón de Guatín, que es un lugar que la mayoría de turistas pasan por alto y una de las mejores joyas ocultas del desierto de Atacama. Allí te encontrarás con un cañón rodeado de cactus centenarios que alcanzan los 10 metros de altura. Daremos un breve paseo para obtener las mejores fotografías antes de que llegue el atardecer.

Por la noche disfrutaremos de unas vistas increíbles de la Vía Láctea del Sur, que se eleva sobre todos esos cactus gigantes. Sin duda una gran oportunidad para la astrofotografía.

Guanacos en un campo con montañas nevadas al fondo

Región montañosa con una pareja de guanacos en primer plano

Guanacos en un campo con una montaña cubierta de nieve al fondo

Puesta de sol detrás de una colina, en primer plano hay una variedad de cactus gigantes

Campo de cactus con un arco iris al fondo

Campo de cactus con un cielo lleno de nubes dramáticas y un arcoíris

Cactus bajo el cielo nocturno lleno de estrellas y la Vía Láctea

Cactus bajo el cielo nocturno lleno de estrellas y la Vía Láctea

Cactus bajo el cielo nocturno lleno de estrellas y la Vía Láctea

Durante el cuarto día de nuestro tour fotográfico por Atacama y Uyuni iremos hacia uno de los lugares más famosos cerca de San Pedro de Atacama, el Valle de la Luna.

Este valle, ubicado en las tierras del pueblo originario de Atacama, muestra un paisaje que puede recordar a Marte. Las dunas de arena gigantes, las tierras baldías y una carretera panorámica forman el escenario perfecto para capturar unas imágenes increíbles del desierto.

Por la tarde iremos al Altiplano, cerca de la frontera con Bolivia, para hacer fotos en una de las ubicaciones nocturnas más especiales del viaje, los Monjes de Pacana, conocido también como los Centinelas de Tara.

Este desierto te recordará al Desierto de Salvador Dalí, con rocas espectaculares y un paisaje árido y minimalista increíble. Nuestro objetivo aquí será fotografiar el cielo nocturno. Se encuentra a unos 4300 metros y suele ofrecer las condiciones óptimas para fotografiar algunos de los cielos nocturnos más impresionantes de Sudamérica.

Lo mejor de todo son las formaciones rocosas, siempre en primer plano en nuestras fotografías nocturnas.

Dunas de arena y formaciones rocosas bajo la luz del mediodía

Badlands bajo un cielo encapotado

Formaciones rocosas en condiciones de luz espectaculares

Formación rocosa bajo un arco de la Vía Láctea

Formación rocosa bajo un arco de la Vía Láctea

Día 5: Tour fotográfico por Atacama

Durante el quinto día pasaremos a fotografiar una zona muy diferente del Altiplano chileno.

Empezaremos conduciendo hacia nuestra primera ubicación, las lagunas Miñique y Miscantis. Son dos lagunas coloridas que se encuentran en la base de sus respectivos volcanes y que se han convertido en un buen lugar para fotografiar paisajes y aves.

Cuando dejemos las lagunas, durante el camino, haremos algunas paradas más, siendo una de las más destacables la de las Piedras Rojas, conocidas como Salar de Aguas Calientes.

Arco de la Vía Láctea que cubre el cielo nocturno sobre el desierto

Este es un paisaje único, donde se pueden ver lagunas de color turquesa rodeadas de rocas rojas y con volcanes nevados de fondo. Se trata de un lugar con muchas posibilidades, por lo que dedicaremos todo el tiempo que necesitemos para fotografiar bajo diferentes condiciones de luz.

Teniendo en cuenta las distancias en coche, el día habrá sido largo, por lo que la sesión nocturna dependerá de las condiciones climáticas y de cómo estéis de fuerzas. Si decidimos hacer una sesión nocturna, esta será cerca de las Piedras Rojas, donde los cielos son increíblemente oscuros y bonitos.

Guanacos alimentándose en un campo con una montaña nevada al fondo

Montañas cubiertas de nieve en el Altiplano chileno

Montaña nevada en el altiplano chileno

Persona sobre formaciones rocosas en Salar de Aguas Calientes

Formaciones rocosas rojizas con una montaña cubierta de nieve al fondo

Vista aérea del Salar de Aguas Calientes durante la hora dorada con un arcoíris

Día 6: Tour fotográfico por Bolivia

Durante el sexto día de nuestro tour fotográfico por Atacama y Uyuni, iremos hasta una nueva región y país dentro del Altiplano: Bolivia.

Por la mañana cruzaremos la frontera para encontrarnos con nuestros guías bolivianos. Para esta etapa del tour, iremos en vehículos todoterreno con tracción en las cuatro ruedas y fotografiaremos todos los puntos de interés de este fascinante lado del Altiplano.

Nuestra primera parada será la Laguna Blanca y la Laguna Verde, dos lagunas preciosas con el Volcán Licancabur de fondo. Visitaremos la Laguna Verde alrededor de mediodía, que es cuando hay mejor iluminación, para poder disfrutar de sus característicos colores verdosos.

La siguiente parada serán las Aguas Termales de Polques, que son unas aguas termales ubicadas en una zona remota del Altiplano. Aquí almorzaremos y disfrutaremos de un baño rodeados de unos paisajes increíbles y mucha vida silvestre.

Por la tarde llegaremos a nuestro destino final, que es uno de los lugares más especiales del viaje, la Laguna Colorada. Se trata de uno de los lagos más peculiares del mundo, con un color muy intenso causado por los sedimentos rojos y la pigmentación de las algas que se encuentran en las aguas menos profundas.

Después nos registraremos en el alojamiento y cenaremos antes de hacer una sesión nocturna para capturar el arco de la Vía Láctea sobre la laguna.

Laguna turquesa con una montaña al fondo

Volcán nevado con flamencos en primer plano

Flamencos en Laguna Colorada y una montaña al fondo

Flamencos en Laguna Colorada

Fotógrafo fotografiando la Vía Láctea en la noche

Arco de la Vía Láctea sobre la Laguna Colorada

Día 7: Tour fotográfico en Bolivia

Es el segundo día de nuestro viaje fotográfico por Bolivia y lo empezaremos visitando una nueva área de la Laguna Colorada, dentro de la Reserva Nacional de Fauna Andina Eduardo Avaroa.

Cuando el sol de la mañana ilumina el agua, los colores de la laguna se vuelven aún más vibrantes. Llegaremos justo en ese momento para poder disfrutar de esa escena mágica: miles de flamencos en la Laguna Colorada con las montañas cubiertas de nieve de fondo.

Además, visitaremos la Laguna Colorada en la mejor época del año, justo después de la temporada de lluvias, que es cuando se pueden ver hasta tres tipos de flamencos, el Andino, el James y el Chileno. Daremos un pequeño paseo por la zona para poder obtener las mejores fotografías.

Laguna llena de flamencos y una montaña al fondo

Vista aérea de una laguna llena de flamencos

Flamenco tomando el sol

Flamenco con pico amarillo brillante y naranja

Grupo de flamencos en el agua

Flamenco bebiendo agua en una laguna

After our morning shoot, we will continue driving across the Altiplano and photographing different highlights, such as the rock formations around the “Arbol de Piedra” (“Stone Tree”) in the Dalí-esque desert. We’ll also photograph the “Sol de Mañana Geyser,” a spectacular geothermal area with mud pools and small geysers that looks like an oasis of colors in the middle of the desert.

Our next stop will be at Laguna Hedionda, where we’ll have lunch with a privileged view of this lagoon full of spectacular landscapes and migratory birds and flamingos. Not far from there, we will photograph the last lagoon, Laguna Cañapa, another gem for landscape and wildlife photography. 

Rock formation in the desert

Aerial view of sol de la mañana

Flamingo flying

In the evening, we’ll arrive at our final destination in Uyuni, where we will stay at one of the renowned salt hotels for the next couple of days. Our first night session will be at the train cemetery, an abandoned train graveyard on the outskirts of town with old mining trains that have become one of the area’s top landmarks. 

Staying away from the light pollution of town, we’ll do an astrophotography session with the train skeletons.

Train under the night sky filled with the Milky Way

DAY 8: Uyuni Salt Flats Photo Tour

On day 8, we’ll start our Uyuni photo tour by visiting some of the most remote areas in the largest salt flats in the world.

Salar de Uyuni stretches more than 4,000 square miles and was formed by prehistoric lakes that evaporated thousands of years ago. During the rainy season, Uyuni gets flooded with a thin layer of water that transforms the landscape into an otherworldly location with stunning reflections. 

The flooding and accessible areas in the dry lake change from year to year depending on the rain, but late March and the beginning of April is the only time of year when it’s possible to photograph both the flooded salt flats and the interior of Uyuni, which is inaccessible during the rainy season.

Cacti field in Salar de Uyuni

Person standing next to a giant cactus under bright sunlight

Cacti field in Salar de Uyuni during blue hour

On our first day in Uyuni, and as long as driving conditions allow, we will visit Uyuni’s Coral islands, a series of isolated pieces of land in the middle of this giant playa. Here, you can photograph a surreal landscape where the rocks and giant cacti surround the intense white salt flats.

Our main landmark will be Isla Incahuasi, one of the most spectacular islands where there is a huge density of giant cacti that can reach up to 30 feet and live more than 1,000 years. Once there, we’ll spend most of our time exploring this little island and capturing impressive landscapes from a higher elevation.

If conditions allow, we will have the opportunity to spend a night of optional camping near the island. This is a unique chance not offered by other tour companies that will allow us to photograph the darkest area in the Uyuni salt flats, in a location where light pollution doesn’t exist. The completely flat landscape is the ideal place to capture nightscapes, as the Milky Way is rarely photographed here.

Cacti field in Salar de Uyuni during sunset

Cacti field during a sunset in salar de uyuni

Cacti field filled with golden light during a sunset in salar de uyuni

Milky Way arch over Isla Incahuasi in Salar de Uyuni

DAY 9: Uyuni Salt Flats Photo Tour

We will start day 9 by visiting some of the main landmarks of Uyuni, such as the Dakar Monument, the world flags, and the Salt Museum, which is full of impressive salt sculptures.

We will also scout for locations where we can see the sought-after Uyuni reflections. These reflections make Uyuni stand out from other salt flats, especially during this time of year.

Vehicles in the Uyuni Salt Flats

Capture the Atlas flag

Uyuni landscapes photo tour

Group of people and vehicles during a sunset in Uyuni

Fiery sunset reflected on a lagoon

Group of people photographing the sunset in Uyuni

Here, we will photograph the sunset and get back to town before preparing for a very special night. Our plan is to photograph a once in a lifetime experience when the stars and the Milky Way appear in the sky as well as the reflection of the salt flat at your feet.

We will do a long session here photographing the arch, single images, and shots with light painting using our 4WD cars and subjects to give a sense of scale. Expect a night of astrophotography for the books!

People standing in the middle of salar de uyuni under the night sky with the milky way Milky Way in Salar de Uyuni

SUV under the night sky in Salar de Uyuni with the Milky Way

Person standing in the middle of salar de uyuni under the night sky with the milky way

Person standing on an SUV in the middle of salar de uyuni under the night sky with the milky way

Two people standing under the Milky Arch in Salar de Uyuni

Capture the Atlas in Bolivia

DAY 10: Atacama & Bolivia Photo Tour

On the last day of our Atacama & Bolivia photo adventure, we will drive to La Paz, stopping for different photo opportunities along the way.

Once in La Paz, we will do a farewell group dinner and spend our last night there. Feel free to stay here and spend more time visiting the capital of Bolivia. Otherwise, you should book your flight for the next day. Most international flights depart in the morning.

La Paz, Bolivia at night

PRICE: $7,400 USD

Deposit: $2,000 USD

A $2,000 USD deposit is required to reserve your spot for this workshop. You can also pay in full at any time. The remaining balance is due 120 days before the start of the photo tour. If the remaining balance is not paid in full by the due date, you will lose your spot.

What does the price include?


    • Pick-up at El Loa Airport (CJC) in Calama
    • Transportation in private minibus & special 4WD vehicles
    • Half board in Atacama & Full board in Bolivia
    • National Park & attraction fees
    • Accommodation in hotels in shared rooms with private bathrooms
    • Expert local guides in Atacama & Bolivia
    • Photo guide services from professional landscape & astrophotographers


Not included

    • Flights to/from El Loa (CJC) & El Alto International Airport (LPB) airports
    • Private room – Extra $1,050 (*Subject to availability)
    • Dinner in San Pedro de Atacama (Half board is included)
    • Health/travel insurance (We can help you purchase the best travel insurance according to your needs)
    • Bolivian Visitor Visa
    • Telephone, personal expenses, tips, etc., and any other service not mentioned in the “INCLUDED” section

Upcoming Altiplano Photo Tour dates



David Aguilar Tour Guide Capture the Atlas Atacama
Ted Fields
Ted Fields
Well organized!
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I don’t know how Capture the Atlas organizes things so well. Dan Zafra and David Aguilar were excellent, informative leaders, patient with even Astro-neophytes like me.
Juan Carlos Ruiz
Juan Carlos Ruiz
Beautiful trip!
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Such a great and beautiful trip! Perfectly organized, filled with adventures, landscapes and photographic spots day and night. Plenty of astrophotography sessions with enough time to learn and practice.
Prabal Bhattacharya
Prabal Bhattacharya
Lifetime experience!
Leer más
I have to say that as a beginner astrophotographer, I couldn't have asked for more. This was truly a lifetime experience. The way Capture the Atlas organized the trip, and how every single day was planned in such a meticulous way made this trip memorable.

What will I learn during this Atacama Photo Tour?

This trip is focused on astro, landscape, & wildlife photography, mainly shooting the Southern Hemisphere Milky Way, mountains, volcanoes, deserts, lakes, flamingos, and salt flats. 

What you learn during the workshop will vary according to your goals and skills. Your instructors are professional photographers with extensive experience who will help you take your photography to the next level.

During the tour, you’ll have the opportunity to learn:

    • Getting comfortable shooting different types of landscapes and wildlife in manual mode.
    • Adjusting to the best camera settings in each situation.
    • Planning your sunset and Milky Way images.
    • Shooting long exposures using ND filters.
    • Enhancing your composition with the best techniques.
    • Basics of wildlife photography.
    • Designing your own shooting workflow to be more efficient in the field.
    • Basics of drone photography.
    • Creating powerful compositions that tell a story and engage the viewer.
    • Building a connection between your photography and your vision.
    • Becoming a master of light: learn how to enhance it and keep it under control.
    • Advanced landscape techniques like bracketing, focus stacking, or focal length blending.
    • Advanced night photography techniques.
    • Advanced drone photography like aerial panoramas, vertoramas, and bracketing.

Some of the post-processing techniques that you can learn with the included tutorials are:

    • Basics of Lightroom and Photoshop.
    • Preparing your images in Lightroom/Adobe Camera Raw.
    • Stitching of panoramas using different software like Lightroom or PTGui Pro.
    • Reducing the noise in your images with Denoise AI.
    • Sharpening your photos with Sharpen AI.
    • All types of Blendings (exposure, focal length, focus, etc.).
    • Light shaping and Dodge & Burn in your landscape & night images.
    • Post-processing of moody and atmospheric landscapes.
    • Advanced night photography post-processing techniques.

Your instructors on this Atacama & Bolivia photo tour

David Aguilar will be your photo tour leader throughout this Atacama & Bolivia photo tour, and he will make sure that you are in the right place at the right time to get the best photography results. He will help you with your photography, technique, and composition in all your landscape and night images.

David is a real expert in South America after taking many trips throughout the continent’s main regions and running photo tours there over the last few years. He’s very knowledgeable about the most photogenic locations, the weather patterns, and the best techniques to capture breathtaking landscape images. 

David’s main passion is traveling and helping others with their craft. He’s traveled extensively, not only in Atacama and South America, but also in Nordic countries like Iceland and Norway and across vast areas in the European Alps.

He’s also a skilled post-processing editor and has helped countless photographers over the last few years with his online landscape editing courses.

Francesco Dall’Olmo will be the co-leader of this Atacama and Altiplano photo adventure.

He is based in Northern Italy and has developed all his landscape photography in his beautiful backyard: The Italian Dolomites. Apart from shooting extensively there, Francesco has traveled and photographed all over Europe in Norway, the Faroe Islands, Spain, and in South America across Patagonia, Atacama, etc.

Francesco has explored and photographed Atacama extensively in the past, becoming experienced with the locations we’ll be visiting during this photo tour.

Besides being an excellent photographer, Francesco is an expert in time-lapses and he has produced many films, including one in Atacama.

He will help you capture unique landscape images and timelapses on this trip.

What to bring on this Atacama Photo Tour

We will send you a complete list of everything we recommend bringing on this tour when you sign up. Below is a summary of things you might need:

Photography Gear

    • DSLR/mirrorless camera and a sturdy tripod.
    • A wide-angle lens, such as a 14-24 mm lens.
    • A medium zoom lens, such as a 24-70 mm lens.
    • A telephoto lens, like a 70-200 mm lens.
    • A camera bag to transport all your equipment.
    • A headlamp for the night shoots.

You may be interested in this guide on photography equipment for traveling.

Some optional items, if you are focused on advanced MW photography, are:

    • A star-tracker.
    • An astro-modified camera.

*While zoom lenses are acceptable for this workshop, prime lenses are recommended for Milky Way photography. Some of the best lenses in this range are:

    • 20 mm f/1.8
    • 24 mm f/1.4
    • 28 mm f/1.4
    • 35 mm f/1.8
    • 40 mm f/1.4
    • 50 mm f/1.8

You can get them either from your camera brand or from third-party manufacturers like Rokinon or Sigma.

*This astrophotography workshop focuses on Milky Way nightscapes and not on deep-sky imaging. However, you can bring a telephoto/telescope and take your own deep-sky photos if you like.

You can find more information in our list of best lenses for the Milky Way and best cameras for astrophotography.

Photographers lined up taking a photo


We will visit diverse regions, from the desert to wetlands, located at very different altitudes. As a result, we’ll experience very drastic changes in temperatures that requires dressing accordingly:

    • In San Pedro de Atacama, temperatures in late March and early April range from a high of 80ºF (27ºC) to a low of 42ºF (5ºC).
    • In Uyuni & the Salt flats, temperatures range from a high of 62ºF /(17º) to a low of 31ºF (0ºC).
    • In both the Chilean & Bolivian Altiplano above 14,000 ft (4,000+ m), temperatures range from highs of 54ºF (12ºC) to lows of 22ºF (-5ºC).

You should come prepared for all kinds of weather and bring clothing both for warm and cold climates. Even though it’s the dry season, strong winds occur throughout the year, and rain is possible. Some of the things that we recommend bringing on this Atacama & Bolivia photo tour are:

    • system of top layers to wear (base layer, fleece, windproof layer, shell)
    • system of bottom layers to wear (hiking pants, fleece pants for cold nights, overpants for rain)
    • A good pair of breathable boots to keep your feet warm and protect your ankles while hiking
    • Warm and breathable socks
    • wool hat, neck gaiter, and gloves
    • Light water bottle

Some optional items are:

    • Hiking poles
    • A cap or sun hat
    • Light sneakers or sandals for San Pedro
    • Sunglasses
    • Lip balm
    • An external power bank

You will find more items and details on the official list of recommendations that we provide upon registration.ç

Photographer in a red jacket photographing a scene with a lake and mountains in the background


The currency in Chile is the Chilean Peso (CLP) and in Bolivia the Bolivian Boliviano (BOB).

We highly recommend getting Chilean pesos and Bolivianos in your home country, although, if that is not possible, you can always purchase some at the airport. Credit and debit cards are accepted in most places in San Pedro de Atacama, but in Bolivia there are still many businesses that only take cash.


For Chile, people from most countries, including the Americas, Europe, Eastern Asia, Israel, Australia, and New Zealand, don’t need a tourist visa to visit Chile for trips that are shorter than 90 days.

In Bolivia, people from Europe and most countries don’t need a Visa. U.S. citizens need a Bolivian visitor visa that costs $160 USD and can be paid in USD or local currency upon arrival. This visa can be obtained at a Bolivian Embassy or Consulate in the United States, but the easiest way to get it is to purchase it during the border crossing with Chile. (More information here and full list of entry requirements for U.S. citizens).

Cloudy sky reflected in Salar de Uyuni with three SUV and a group of people

Other important information


The standard accommodation on this Atacama & Bolivia Photo Tour is double occupancy in shared bedrooms with two individual beds and a private bathroom.

We also offer limited single occupancy rooms in all hotels and accommodations on the trip for an extra $xxx. If you are interested in this, please let us know on the signup form below since the single occupancy rooms are subject to availability.

  • In San Pedro de Atacama, we’ll stay in “Casa de Don Tomas Hotel”, one of the best hotels in San Pedro de Atacama.
  • On our way to Uyuni, we will spend a night near Laguna Colorada in some basic lodging. There are no hotels in this area.
  • In Uyuni, we will stay in one of the most popular salt hotels of this area.
  • In La Paz, we will stay at Hotel Rosario, a very nice hotel situated in the heart of La Paz.

If conditions allow, there might be an optional camping night in Isla Incahuasi in the heart of Salar de Uyuni.

Health & Safety

It’s currently a requirement for US citizens to be vaccinated against yellow fever before traveling to Bolivia. Please, make sure to review any travel requirements or restrictions for your country of origin before booking your flights.

Hiking Altitude

Most of the locations are a relatively easy walk from the parking lot, but the trip is very physically intense, so we recommend having a good level of fitness to enjoy the experience. 

We will also spend a considerable amount of time walking and photographing at high altitude, including a night sleeping at 14,000+ ft (4,000+ m). We have designed an itinerary so our bodies can become gradually acclimated to the altitude, and if you are in good health, altitude shouldn’t be an issue on this trip. 

We have led multiple high altitude trips in the Andes in the past, and we have experience preventing, recognizing, and avoiding altitude sickness symptoms. Our guides are certified first aid and CPR responders, and we always carry a Garmin inReach device in case of emergency in remote areas.

Group of people hiking in the Atacama desert

Local guides & tours

All the expert local guides in both Chile and Bolivia are included.

These guides own and work for reputable local companies that have been operating for years in these areas. 

During the tour, we will visit many attractions that require a fee, such as Valle de la Luna, Piedras Rojas, Laguna Colorada, etc. All these fees are included.


All transportation and fuel are included during the tour.

In Chile, we’ll be traveling in a private 29-seat bus for the duration of the trip. This will give us ample room to be comfortable during drives and more than enough space for luggage and camera gear. Everybody will have a window seat and an extra seat to keep their camera gear handy.

The bus also has a few amenities, such as USB chargers and a small fridge if you want to store some food.

In Bolivia, we’ll navigate the rough terrain of the wild Altiplano and Uyuni in special 4WD vehicles. These vehicles will allow us to travel comfortably and safely throughout our numerous photo adventures.

Both our Chilean and Bolivian guides are expert drivers who know the terrain and locations.

What expenses should you consider for this atacama photo tour?


You should book your inbound flight to Calama at “El Loa Airport” (CJC) and your outbound flight from La Paz at “El Alto International Airport” (LPB).

The best way to get to Calama is by getting a local flight from Santiago de Chile. There are direct flights to Santiago de Chile (SCL) from the main cities in Europe and the U.S., Canada, and Australia, such as LA, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Miami, NY, Toronto, Madrid, Barcelona, London, Paris, Auckland, Sydney, or Melbourne.

From La Paz, you can find direct flights to three main capitals in South America (Santiago de Chile, Lima, and Bogota), and from there, there are direct flights to the main cities in the Americas and Europe.

Airline ticket prices will depend on the airport you are flying from, but round-trip flight tickets from the USA cost around $900 – $1,300, and $800 – $1,100 from Europe.


Meals are included as follows:

    • Half-board in San Pedro de Atacama (Always breakfast in the hotel + either lunch or dinner, depending on the shooting conditions)
    • Full-board in Bolivia (All meals included)

The only meals not included are the meals taken on our own in San Pedro de Atacama.

We recommend preparing to spend about $20-$30 USD on food per day in San Pedro de Atacama.

People enjoying a meal under the sun in Salar de Uyuni


If you are a U.S. citizen, plan on spending $160 USD to process your Visa.


Tips and gratuities for the local guides in Chile & Bolivia are not included.

What makes this Atacama & Altiplano Photo Tour unique?


Our workshops are completely centered on photography: finding the best lighting conditions during the trip and creating an intensive experience that is conducive to learning and taking the best images.


Our workshops are limited to small groups with a ratio of no more than six students per instructor. This is also an important factor for providing the attentive instruction you need during the tour.


During this workshop, we will photograph the famous locations in Atacama & Altiplano as well as some hidden gems that we have discovered while exploring in the past that are rarely visited or photographed.


We will discuss your goals before the tour so we can create a dedicated instruction plan for you. It doesn’t matter what your age is or your skills are; we will design your plan and provide you with materials before, during, and after the workshop so the learning process is not limited to just the tour.


We have spent years designing national and international photo tours with successful results, helping photographers with everything from the simple task of getting off Auto to the ambitious goal of capturing complex images.


Beyond the photography, our photography workshops help build strong bonds that last forever. After our trip, you’ll feel like you have been with a group of friends rather than on a standard tour. We are thankful to have plenty of repeat clients who keep traveling and learning with us.

Frequent asked questions about our Atacama & Uyuni photo tour

Whether you are experienced or just starting out in photography, you are welcome to join us, and I am convinced that you will progress very fast. Together, we will get you back home with a greater and deeper knowledge of many photography topics.

Once you sign up for the workshop, we will discuss your skills and goals for this tour, and I’ll organize a teaching plan so you can make the most of this experience. You’ll also receive access to Dan’s Capture the Milky Way course so you can start preparing your astrophotography before the trip.

Most of the locations are a relatively easy walk from the parking lot, but the trip is very physically intense, so we recommend a good level of fitness to enjoy the experience.

We will also spend a considerable amount of time walking and photographing at high altitude, including a night sleeping at 14,000+ ft (4.000+ m). We have designed an itinerary so our bodies can become gradually acclimated to the altitude, and if you are in good health, altitude shouldn’t be an issue on this trip. 

We have led multiple high altitude trips in the Andes in the past, and we have experience preventing, recognizing, and avoiding altitude sickness symptoms. Our guides are certified first aid and CPR responders, and we always carry a Garmin inReach device in case of emergency in remote areas.

There is no age limit to join this Atacama & Bolivia photo tour.

We do recommend that participants older than 70 years old do a physical examination with a primary care provider (PCP) to make sure that they are physically prepared for this experience.

Non-photographer companions are welcome to join the tour, and they need to book a spot under the same price and conditions as any other participant. (We don’t allow non-participant companions tagging along with the group). We have had plenty of non-photographer companions over the years and all of them enjoyed an amazing experience. As long as they enjoy nature, beautiful landscapes, and are a bit patient with the schedules of a photo tour, joining the trip can be a great experience regardless of the shooting.

Drones are prohibited in some private areas and natural reserves, but they’re allowed in many other locations, including the Uyuni Salt Flats.

If you have a drone, we recommend bringing it on the trip. 

Our Happy Students!

I’ve had the opportunity to work with and help countless photographers over the last years:

Prabal Capture the Atlas Alumni
I visited Atacama and Uyuni with Capture the Atlas in April 2024. I have to say that as a beginner astrophotographer, I couldn't have asked for more. This was truly a lifetime experience. Trips like these are made memorable not only from the places we visit, the friends we make and the local culture we experience. The way Capture the Atlas organized the trip, and how every single day was planned in such a meticulous way made this trip memorable. Dan and David are master astrophotographers, but they also become your friends, guiding you and taking care of your smallest details all the way.
Prabal Bhattacharya
2024 Chile & Bolivia Photo Tour
Jeff Lane participant Capture the Atlas Photo Tour
My 4th trip with Capture The Atlas and my first trip to South America. This is a true once-in-a-lifetime adventure that no one should miss. Spectacular scenery, high-elevation pristine night skies, lakes, exotic animals and birds, mountains, desert, and the pièce de résistance- the Uyuni Salt Flats. Dan and David, our leaders, are just the best! I have been on tours with both of them before. Their experience and knowledge of photography and adventure travel are vast and you will learn invaluable techniques to improve your photography no matter what level you are at.
Jeff Lane
2024 Chile & Bolivia Photo Tour
Juan Carlos Ruiz Capture the Atlas Alumni
Such a great and beautiful trip! Perfectly organized, filled with adventures, landscapes and photographic spots day and night. Plenty of astrophotography sessions with enough time to learn and practice. Not so much time for sleeping unless you want to miss a session, who cares about sleeping when the sky is so beautiful? And the gold medal goes for our guides/teachers/colleagues who bring the trip to another level, thanks a lot for this lifetime experience!
Juan Carlos Ruiz
2024 Chile & Bolivia Photo Tour
Albert W Capture the Atlas Alumni
In April 2024 I attended the Atacama (Chile) and Uyuni (Bolivia) tour. It was an amazing mix of landscape, Astro and wildlife photography. The logistics for this tour were complicated and everything went off without a hitch. We were kept busy with daytime and nighttime photo shoots. As with my prior Capture the Atlas tour, our guides - Dan and David, were excellent. Exceptional photographers who are willing to share their expertise. In addition we students/photographers were a group of ten like minded people.
Al Walker
2024 Chile & Bolivia Photo Tour
DavidPok Capture the Atlas Alumni
If you are reading this review you are already half way to the best photographic tour you will ever take. You found the right web site and the right company. I would encourage you to take the next step and book. You will not be disappointed by your decision. The care and attention put into each trip by Dan and Ascen is second to none. Dan willingly shares his extensive knowledge of camera equipment and settings to help you get the best results possible. My participation in the inaugural Atacama and Bolivia tour with Dan was the most amazing experience.
David Pokora
2024 Chile & Bolivia Photo Tour
Ted Fields Capture the Atlas Alumni
I don’t know how Capture the Atlas organizes things so well. Dan Zafra and David Aguilar were excellent, informative leaders, patient with even Astro-neophytes like me. There are day shoots, sunset shoots, and of course Astro shoots throughout the nights. This course has absolutely everything a photo junkie could want.
Ted Fields
2024 Chile & Bolivia Photo Tour

Join the expedition

Terms and conditions

This tour is governed by these Terms and Conditions.

The Atacama & Altiplano regions are a nature photographer’s dream.

The variety of wildlife and vegetation, the contrasts in the landscape, and the pristine night skies make it one of the most immersive trips you can take as a photographer.

Capture once in a lifetime experiences, such as the Atacama Desert’s world-renowned night skies, colorful lagoons with thousands of flamingos and snow-capped volcanoes, or the world’s largest salt flats in Uyuni.

This trip will mark a before and after in your travel experience and in your photography. Join us on a photography adventure like no other in Chile & Bolivia!

Fotografiar la Vía Láctea en el desierto de Uyuni Capture the Atlas
Guia de Viaje a Alaska Capture the Atlas
Blog de Viajes en Español Capture the Atlas en Chile
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Guía de Viaje a Islandia Blog Capture the Atlas
Vía Láctea en Nueva Zelanda Capture the Atlas

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