
Terms & Conditions - Capture the Atlas Photography Tours

Payments & Deposits

To reserve your spot, a deposit per participant is required at the time of registration. The deposit amount will depend on the photo tour; Some photo tours may require a higher additional deposit due to advance booking or transportation requirements. Required deposit amounts will be listed on the individual photo tour page on our website, together with the due date for the remaining amount of the photo tour. Capture the Atlas reserves the right to cancel a participant’s spot on a photo tour if payments are not received by the specified due date. In such cases, no refund will be issued to the participant. It is crucial for participants to adhere to the payment schedule provided to secure their spot on the tour. If a participant would like to cancel, they must send a written notification by email.

If participants fail to pay the final amount in full before the specified due date, they risk losing their deposit and forfeiting their spot to a participant on the waiting list. In such cases, if the full and final payment is not received by the due date, Capture the Atlas will send two reminder emails requesting the payment.

If the participant still fails to make the full payment within 3 days of receiving the second reminder, Capture the Atlas will consider it a cancellation on the participant’s part. As a result, their spot in the photo tour will be forfeited, and it will be offered to participants on the waiting list. In such cases, the participant will not be eligible for a refund, even if Capture the Atlas is able to fill their spot with another participant.

Participants can send a payment for the deposit or full payment via Venmo, Zelle, credit card, or Paypal®. Participants can email us if they have any questions regarding making the final payment. If processing payments by card, we recommend using a credit card with no foreign transaction fee to avoid possible fees.

Capture the Atlas will only process refunds by the same payment methods; such as a refund to the same credit card, or a refund via Venmo, Zelle, and Paypal® under the conditions described below.

Cancellations & Refunds

We always recommend purchasing trip cancellation insurance or cancel for any reason travel insurance in case there is any reason that might keep you from attending the photo tour.

Cancellations must be requested in writing by email at all times. Please note your cancellation is not considered official until you have received a return email confirmation acknowledging your cancellation. At the time we receive your cancellation notification, the following charges will be applied.

151 days or more before departure

If your spot is filled by another participant, we’ll refund your deposit minus payment processing fees and $200 administrative fee plus any additional costs incurred, as well as any fees that are charged by the suppliers providing the services included in the photo tour such as hotels, transportation, tours and others.

If we cannot fill your spot, we’ll refund your deposit minus payment processing fees and $500 administrative fee plus any additional costs incurred, as well as any fees that are charged by the suppliers providing the services included in the photo tour such as hotels, transportation, tours and others.

150 days or less before departure or anytime after departure

If your spot is filled by another participant, we’ll refund your balance minus payment processing fees and $300 administrative fee plus any additional costs incurred, as well as any fees that are charged by the suppliers providing the services included in the photo tour such as hotels, transportation, tours and others.

If we cannot fill your spot, NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN and your deposit and tour payments will be forfeited.

*Regardless of the cancelation notice, if the participant receives any of our online courses upon signup, the amount of the course ($299) will be debited from the final refund.

**While we usually have long waiting lists and we manage to fill most canceled spots, we can not guarantee that we will fill your spot. We recommend communicating your cancellation as soon as possible to increase the chances of filling your spot and booking travel insurance that covers the cost of your deposit/tour in case you can’t attend.

***In cases where a canceled spot is filled, there may still be expenses associated with accommodation adjustments or changes that the canceling participant is responsible for covering. For example, if a participant cancels their spot that included a shared room and we are unable to fill it with another participant requesting a shared room or a participant of the same gender, the canceling participant may be responsible for the cost difference between a shared room and a single occupancy room. 

****We will also do our best to fulfill the participant room type request, but if we can’t find a suitable roommate of the same gender, the participant will be responsible for the cost difference between a shared room and a single occupancy room. 

*****Changes, such as moving your spot to another tour, are considered cancelations, with the only difference that the participant won’t incur payment processing fees. If a participant can’t attend a tour, and it’s eligible for a refund, they can decide to get a credit for a different tour or date, if available, with no bank cancelation fees. The other fees and expenses described in this policy would still apply.

Late arrival and early departure

No refund will be made for any tour hours or days missed due to late arrivals or early departure by the participant. It is very important that the participant arrives on time for the start of a tour. Any delay from a participant could jeopardize the opportunity for the rest of the group to enjoy the tour. In case of late arrival by the participant that Capture the Atlas is unable to accommodate, the participant will bear the extra cost associated with joining the group. If the participant can’t reunite with the group,  the spot will be canceled without refund. It is thus important to contact Capture the Atlas if the participant is late to see if Capture the Atlas can arrange a possible solution.

In case of an early departure, the participant will bear all the costs and responsibility that it may involve (additional guides, transport, accommodation, etc.). If the departure is due to an illness or an accident, the participant will use his/her personal health and accident insurance to which he/she will have subscribed prior to the tour.

If the participant leaves the tour before its completion, he/she will not be able to receive any refund for the time missed.

If the participant arrives at the destination before the photo tour, Capture the Atlas will not be responsible for covering any transport, accommodations, guide services, excursions, food or and any other expense.

Trip cancellation by Capture the Atlas

We have the right to cancel this photo tour for lack of registrants if the minimum number of participants is not met. We will contact you in advance if we are considering a cancellation. If we cancel a photo tour, 100% of your deposit and payments will be returned. Capture the Atlas is not, however, liable for expenses incurred, such as airfare, accommodations, or gear & equipment, and for this reason, we also recommend the purchase of travel insurance with trip cancellation coverage.

Travel Insurance

The safety of all the participants and the group is our first priority. For that reason, each participant attending a Capture the Atlas international phto tour hereby confirms that they understand and agree to purchase the required insurance listed below, that is valid internationally, and that they will be required to provide proof of coverage prior to departure for the photo tour and in order to participate.

Participants must provide at least 30 days prior to the start of the photo tour their insurance emergency number, insurance email contact, and policy number in case the photo tour leaders need to communicate with the insurance company should any emergency arise.

Required Coverage

• Accident & Sickness Medical Expense Coverage (minimum $100,000 USD)
• Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation of Remains (minimum $200,000 USD)
• Accidental Death / Dismemberment
• Trip Cancellation Coverage

Suggested Additional Coverage

• Baggage and Personal Effects Coverage
• Hospital Room and Board
• Trip Delay / Interruption

Capture the Atlas is not a travel insurance agency/broker or intermediary and has no obligation in assisting in the purchase of any type of travel/medical insurance.

Capture the Atlas can suggest and express its opinion about different companies and policies but is not liable for any issue related to the purchase of any type of travel/medical insurance.

Capture the Atlas also suggest to evaluate your risk and to purchase travel insurance that covers the full value of the photo tour and personal effects in the case of trip cancellation, loss or theft of baggage, and emergency evacuation. Capture the Atlas, their owners, agents, and subsidiaries will not be held responsible for these expenses. It is vital for you to realize that if you experience a delay or find it necessary to cancel or cut short the photo tour for any reason, you will lose part or the entire sum of the amount paid (see the section “Payments & Deposits and Cancelations & Refunds” in the terms and conditions above).

Travel insurance helps minimize the risk of monetary losses you would incur in the event of a delay of your departure due to weather, airline strike, missed connections, etc., your inability to travel for reasons such as illness, injury, unforeseen financial complications and other personal circumstances, or if you were required to cut the photo tour short for medical or any other reasons.

There are restrictions and limitations on any insurance program. For this reason, we always recommend that you read carefully the fine print of your insurance policy.

Fitness and Health

Capture the Atlas offers a diverse range of photo tours with varying physical demands, ranging from moderate to strenuous. Participants are required to review the physical level and/or hiking charts specified for each tour on the respective photo tour page and carefully assess whether they meet the necessary fitness and mobility to undertake the tour. It is crucial to note that while significant hikes are explicitly mentioned in the tour descriptions, there are other physical activities involved during the tours that may not be detailed in the tour description. These activities may include, but are not limited to, boarding and disembarking vehicles and/or boats, walking to the different places visited during the tour additionally to any specific hike and physical exertion mentioned in the specific photo tour page.

Besides, each participant should be able to carry and manage their own photography equipment and luggage. Some hotels may not be equipped with elevators or air-conditioning.

Participants are solely responsible for accurately evaluating their physical capabilities and ensuring that they are adequately prepared for the physical demands of the tour. Capture the Atlas cannot be held liable for any injuries, health complications, or dissatisfaction resulting from a participant’s failure to meet the fitness requirements or to fully comprehend the physical expectations of the tour. By engaging in our photo tours, participants acknowledge and accept this responsibility.

In situations where the physical condition of a participant poses a risk to their own well-being, the well-being of other participants, or the guides, Capture the Atlas reserves the right to request that the participant curtail their trip. In such cases, no refund or liability will be assumed by Capture the Atlas. Additionally, any associated costs incurred as a result of the participant’s early departure, such as flight changes, accommodations, rescue services, and the like, will be the sole responsibility of the participant.

It is essential for participants to prioritize their own safety and the safety of others during the tour. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, participants acknowledge and accept that their failure to meet the physical requirements or to comply with the instructions provided by the guide may result in their exclusion from the tour without any entitlement to a refund or compensation from Capture the Atlas.

If the participant has any special needs or any physical condition that might prevent him/her from fully participating, it must be listed and disclosed when filling out the Capture the Atlas photo tour Registration Form in the “Health & Safety information” section, and he/she send us an email to us in advance with any further questions or concerns. Capture the Atlas assumes no responsibility for the participants medical care nor does it guarantee to meet their special dietary requirements.

Capture the Atlas reserves the right to ask for a Clean bill of health from a doctor if it is considered necessary prior to the development of the photo tour.

Please be aware that medical services and facilities might not be readily available during all or part of the photo tour. This could include emergency medical care, presence of physicians, or adequate medication. Please notify us in advance of any allergies, physical / mental conditions or medications you’re currently taking that may affect your health also in the Capture the Atlas photo tour Registration Form.

Participants must provide the information for two emergency contacts to Capture the Atlas before the photo tour in the Registration form. This information will include full name, relationship, number and email. Capture the Atlas will not use this information for any purpose except for informing the emergency contacts in case an emergency happens.

If Vaccinations are required for a photo tour, each participant is responsible for the cost of these vaccinations and will need to show proof of vaccinations to Capture the Atlas prior to the start date of the tour.

Changes in Services

Capture the Atlas reserves the right to alter the prices of the photo tour Rates for any change based on tariffs, U.S. exchange rates and supplier fees. If the group falls below the minimum requirement, the photo tour is subject to cancellation or a small group supplemental fee to make the photo tour possible.

Capture the Atlas reserves the right to cancel or make changes to the published itinerary, including removal or substitution of tour leaders, whenever, in its judgment, conditions warrant, without consulting the participants. Participants have no right to any refund or other considerations in the event of these itinerary or tour leader changes. Capture the Atlas reserves the right to cancel any photo tour before departure, in which case a full refund of all amounts paid to the participants will be made. Any costs incurred by the participant to be able to participate in the tour (booking of hotel rooms on location, flights, train tickets, etc.) will not be refunded by Capture the Atlas.

If changes are made, tour leaders will plan each day considering the interests of the group and the weather at hand. Be assured that Capture the Atlas will make substitutions that are similar in quality and interest when possible.

If there is a change in the itinerary that requires the booking of new accommodation due to weather, accident or unforeseeable conditions, the cost of the new accommodation will be the responsability of each participant and not Capture the Atlas.

Capture the Atlas is not responsible for the conditions of a third party rented vehicle, and will not be responsible for any delay or change in the photo tour caused as a consequence of the service of third-party rental companies.

Included in photo tour Costs

The inclusions on each tour are listed in the specific photo tour page.

NOT Included in photo tour Costs

Domestic or International airfare to and from the photo tour beginning & ending locations; airfare tax; airport departure tax (if applicable); airport departure transfers; additional transfers or accommodations that may be required by those not traveling with the group; excess baggage charges; meals / snacks not included in the photo tour as indicated on the individual photo tour website page; side activities taken on your own; passport / visa expenses; individual medical or travel insurance costs; any expenses of a personal nature, such as room service, laundry, drinks & alcoholic beverages; medical expenses; photography equipment; any activities not specified in the photo tour itinerary or that are listed as optional, or any items not listed in what is included on the individual information page on our website; possible fuel surcharges; exchange rate surcharges;  gratuities to the guides and drivers are customary.


Airfare is NOT included in the photo tour Rates provided. Before booking your airfare, please check the photo tour welcome brochure for arrival and departure time specific requirements. Capture the Atlas can accept no responsibility for losses or additional expenses on airfare due to trip cancellation or alteration. We suggest booking a refundable fare or purchasing the optional insurance in case the photo tour must be canceled, postponed or altered.

Single/Shared Accommodations

In some photo tours, a limited number of single rooms/cabins are available at an extra cost on a first-come, first-served basis. Capture the Atlas will assist participants requesting a roommate. Participants will be notified if a suitable roommate is not available, in which case the single rate will be charged.

Accommodations are based on double occupancy (two people sharing a room). Requests for single occupancy are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, when available and subject to a supplemental fee at the rate stated on the individual photo tour website page. The process for requesting single accommodation takes place at the moment of the booking before the photo tour. Once at the destination, room assignments are final.

Food and Drink

Lunch and dinner will be taken in places convenient to the shooting areas. This will allow maximum flexibility.

During the photo tours, Capture the Atlas’ goal is to gather the entire group to have lunch or dinner together, but it is not mandatory for the participant to eat together with the group. In any case, participants must abide by the specific times for breakfast/lunch/dinner indicated by the photography Leaders so the itinerary is not compromised.

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner might be taken at uncommon times following the photo tour itinerary where the priority is photographing the different locations.

Food will not be included unless listed on the individual photo tour website page.


In order to fit and travel comfortably, there is a maximum luggage capacity to be carried per participant. Unless confirmed in the photo tour specific site or by Capture the Atlas in the email information, this luggage will be a Medium suitcase/bag of 26″ in height (66 cm) with a capacity up to 75 liters and a standard Camera bag with a capacity up to 50 liters.

If this limit is exceeded by the participant, and we are forced to rent additional transport or a bigger vehicle to comfortably fit all the participants due to the extra size of the luggage, this cost will not be borne by Capture the Atlas but by the participant whose luggage exceeds the determined limit.

Model Release

Capture the Atlas LLC and its designated photo tour operators and photo tour leaders reserve the right to take photographs or videos during the operations of any photo tour or part thereof and to use the resulting photography, videos, or recordings for promotional or commercial use. By making a reservation on a Capture the Atlas LLC photo tour, the participant agrees to allow his/her likeness to be used by Capture the Atlas LLC, the authorized third parties, and the photo tour operator without compensation to the participant. If the participant prefers that his/her likeness not be used, he/she must notify Capture the Atlas in writing prior to departure of the expedition.

photo Release

Copyright in all photographs, video, and related materials (herein referred to as “photo tour Materials”) created by the participant shall belong to the participant upon creation. The participant grants to Capture the Atlas, their owners, agents and subsidiaries, a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable license to use any photo tour Materials voluntarily provided to Capture the Atlas in any media for the following purposes: editorial use, promotion of this editorial use, advertising and promotion of photo tours offered by Capture the Atlas or promotion of photo tours led by photo tour Leaders representing the Capture the Atlas.

Participants Privacy & Data

Capture the Atlas will not share with any third parties the participants personal data (such as name, contact details, registration form details, travel preferences, and any special needs/disabilities or dietary requirements) and will use them for the operational needs related to organizing the photo tour. Capture the Atlas may also use the participants email to send information and newsletters related to its activity; If the participant wishes to not receive these, he/she should inform Capture the Atlas upon booking.

Code of Conduct

Participants are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful to the group and other participants.

Capture the Atlas groups are aimed at international participants without distinction of race, religion, gender, and age, and each participant must respect the other participants of the group at all times before and during the photo tour.

Any use of illegal drugs or substances, committing or participating in any criminal or illegal activity & violence of any sort will not be tolerated and will result in the participant’s immediate removal from the photo tour, without refund and at the participant’s expense. photo tour leaders are authorized, and hereby reserve the right, to remove or exclude participants from the photo tour, or any portion thereof, for actions they deem as inappropriate or disruptive to the group and the photo tour without any refund or compensation.


If the participant has a complaint, he/she should first inform the photo tour leader while on the photo tour so that the photo tour leader can attempt to resolve and rectify the matter. If the participant is still dissatisfied, he/she should submit the complaint in writing to Capture the Atlas within 30 days of the completion of the photo tour.

Third-party vendors and contractors

Capture the Atlas acts only as an agent for the various independent suppliers that provide hotel accommodations, transportation, sightseeing activities, or other services connected with the photo tour. Such services are subject to the terms and conditions of those suppliers.

Capture the Atlas and its respective employees, agents, representatives, and assignees accept no liability whatsoever for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay, or any other incident which may be caused by the negligence, defect, default of any company or person in performing these services. Responsibility is not accepted for losses, injury, damages or expenses of any kind due to sickness, weather, strikes, hostilities, wars, terrorist acts, acts of nature, local laws or other such causes. All services and accommodations are subject to the laws and regulations of the country in which they are provided. Capture the Atlas is not responsible for any baggage or personal effects of any individual participating in the photo tour arranged by Capture the Atlas. Individual travelers are responsible for purchasing a travel insurance policy if desired, that will cover some of the expenses associated with the loss of luggage or personal effects as stated above in the “travel insurance” section.

Release of Liability

By registering for any Capture the Atlas photo tour, participants certify that they have carefully read the dates, schedule of activities, the requirements, and the “Terms & Conditions” for the photo tour and are aware that the photo tour involves the risk of personal injury, death or loss (damage) to property. In consideration of the benefits derived by the photo tour, participants voluntarily recognize and accept all risks thereof. Participants agree on behalf of themselves, their dependents, heirs, executors, and assignees, to release and hold harmless Capture the Atlas LLC, its employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, successors, representatives, assigns and its designated tour operators (hereinafter referred to as the “photo tour Operators”) from any and all claims, including but not limited to liability for delays, monetary damages, illness, injuries, death, or for the loss of or damage to property resulting directly or indirectly from any occurrences or conditions. Participants agree to abide by the conditions set forth under the “Terms & Conditions” and other sections as stated herein or elsewhere published. Participants in international tours affirm that they are covered by medical insurance, which is valid overseas. All participants affirm that they have not relied on any additional oral or written representation of the tour Operators for executing this release. Participants further acknowledge receipt of this release and understand and accept its terms and conditions. Any questions participants had concerning this release have been answered fully.

Capture the Atlas organizes, promotes, and sells the photo tour along with services they purchase from other suppliers. The suppliers are independent contractors and are not agents or employees of the tour Operators. They supply services that include but are not limited to, transportation, accommodations, meals, and excursions using local guides. While we endeavor to make travel arrangements with reputable suppliers, Capture the Atlas is not responsible for the willful or negligent acts and/or omissions of such suppliers, their employees, agents, servants, or representatives, including, without limitation, their failure or inadequate delivery of services. All travel and arrangements are subject to the terms and conditions specified by the suppliers, air carriers and/or applicable governing laws. Capture the Atlas and the suppliers providing transportation or any service can accept no responsibility for losses or additional expenses due to, but not limited to, delay, inconvenience, changes to or cancellation of itinerary, sickness, weather, strike, war, quarantine, terrorism, defects in vehicles, breakdown in equipment, animals including transportation by animals, hiking, and any act, omission, negligence or other causes beyond their control. All such losses or expenses will be borne by the passenger, as the photo tour rates provide for arrangements only for the time stated. Capture the Atlas is not responsible for expenses incurred by photo tour participants in preparing for the photo tour (i.e.: air tickets, visa/passport fees, equipment, medical expenses, individual transfers, etc.).

Assumption of Risk

Participants are voluntarily participating in the photo tour with knowledge that it involves some inherent risks and danger including, but not limited to, forces of nature, terrorism, civil unrest, strikes, wild animals (including animals used for transportation), all activities including hiking over rough terrain and in high altitude, theft, cancellation or changes in itinerary, negligent action of others or their agencies, or means of conveyance or accommodation which may not be operated nor maintained to standards common in Western countries like the United States. This includes health-related issues, and participants must be aware that medical services or facilities may not be readily available or accessible during all or part of the photo tour. This includes emergency medical care, the presence of physicians, and adequate medication. On expeditions of this type, it is not possible to accommodate persons with severe health problems, physical disabilities or mental illness. It is the passenger’s responsibility to judge the appropriateness of the travel activities to their own physical and mental capabilities. By forwarding the deposit, the passenger certifies they agree with these terms and conditions and that they do not have any mental, physical or other condition or disability that would create a hazard for them or other participants. Capture the Atlas and its suppliers take no responsibility for special arrangements or problems incurred by passengers unable to participate in the photo tour or planned activities. The right is reserved to decline any person as a member of the photo tour or to require any participant to withdraw from the photo tour at any time.


The participant agrees to defend and indemnify Capture the Atlas, and its affiliate companies from and against any and all demands, claims or lawsuits (including without limitation, third party asserted demands, claims or lawsuits), actions, liabilities, damages, costs, losses and/or expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) (collectively, “Claims and Damages”) which Capture the Atlas may incur, suffer or be required to pay by reason of actions taken by the Participant, including those which result in damage to property owned by third parties, or any other Claims and Damages arising in connection with a third party claim suffered due to actions taken by the Participant. The Participant is liable to reimburse Capture the Atlas for any Claims and Damages collected by third parties, during the photo tour or after, as a result of or related to actions taken by the Participant.

Dispute Resolution

Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance hereunder, brochures, or any other literature concerning a Capture the Atlas photo tour, or the breach thereof, including without limitation any claim related to illness, injury, or death, shall be subject to the following conditions:

  1. The dispute will be governed by Nevada, USA law.
  2. The parties agree that they will attempt in good faith to settle any and all disputes arising out of, under or in connection with this Agreement, including without limitation the validity, interpretation, performance and breach hereof, through a process of mediation in Nevada, the USA under the supervision of a mutually agreed-upon mediator.
  3. In the event that mediation fails to settle such a dispute, the parties agree that they will proceed to arbitration in Nevada, USA, using one arbitrator pursuant to the then existing rules of the American Arbitration Association;
  4. The maximum amount of recovery to which a participant will be entitled under any and all circumstances will be the published cost of the participant’s photo tour with Capture the Atlas. This agreement to arbitrate does not waive or modify any liability release agreed by the participant.


Additional Terms and Conditions may apply to some of the Capture the Atlas photo tours and will be provided with pre-photo tour information mailings. By registering for a photo tour with Capture the Atlas, the participant agrees to the release of liability statement and the Terms and Conditions published on the website (https://capturetheatlas.com/photo-tour-terms-conditions) or in any printed materials.

Participants hereby acknowledge that they have read, understand and agree to, and will abide by, all the Terms and Conditions of participation in the photo tour as set out above.

Participants must submit the Capture the Atlas photo tour registration form and Liability Waiver when doing the initial payment of the Deposit, the remaining payment, and the full payment and always prior to the start of the photo tour.

Participants confirm that they have reviewed & agree to the dates and costs of the photo tour and that they understand that flights are not included in the cost.

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© 2024 CAPTURE THE ATLAS | Photography · Travel · Adventure | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED