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85 Best Couples Travel Quotes for Exploring the World Together

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Whether you’re going on your very first trip together or planning your next joint adventure, the best travel quotes for couples express why traveling together can be so special. After all, there’s nothing quite as incredible as fulfilling your wanderlust together and seeing the world with your partner by your side. 

As these couple travel quotes show, love and travel go hand in hand; each enhances the other. To help you get inspired for your next trip as a couple, this collection includes everything from funny couple travel quotes and couple adventure quotes to short couple travel quotes and travel with husband/wife quotes. Add in one of the best romantic hotels in Tenerife or couple suites in Las Vegas, and you’ll have everything you need for a romantic getaway!

Have a look through these romantic couple travel quotes and be sure to save your favorites so you can return to them again and again for love and travel inspiration!

Short Couple Travel Quotes

These short travel quotes for couples may be simple, but they pack a lot of meaning into very few words.

1. “In life, it’s not where you go. It’s who you travel with.” – Charles Schulz

1. "In life, it’s not where you go. It’s who you travel with." – Charles Schulz

This short couple travel quote works for both travel and life. No matter where you’re headed, having your partner alongside you will make any journey better.

2. “Travelling in the company of those we love is home in motion.” – Leigh Hunt

2. "Travelling in the company of those we love is home in motion." – Leigh Hunt

I love this charming travel quote for couples. Sometimes, home isn’t a place – it’s a person!

3. “Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.” – Ernest Hemingway

3. "Never go on trips with anyone you do not love." – Ernest Hemingway

This pithy couple trip quote offers some very wise advice. Traveling can be very stressful, so it’s always best to explore with someone you already know you like a lot.

4. “As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was about to happen.” – A. A. Milne

4. "As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was about to happen." – A. A. Milne

This charming couple adventure quote from the author of Winnie the Pooh is the perfect inspiration for planning your next trip together.

5. “Find someone who is a home and an adventure all at once.” – Anonymous

5. "Find someone who is a home and an adventure all at once." – Anonymous

As this travel with partner quote suggests, the best person to spend your life with (and travel with!) is someone who makes you feel safe yet will also keep life interesting.

6. “You are my greatest adventure, always and forever.” – Gretka Milkovic

6. "You are my greatest adventure, always and forever." – Gretka Milkovic

This romantic couple travel quote could even work as a wedding vow. It’s simple, sweet, and very loving.

7. “Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” – Izaak Walton

7. "Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter." – Izaak Walton

In other words, time flies when you’re having fun together! Having your partner along for your latest adventure will help make even the longest trip more enjoyable.

8. “A couple who travels together, grows together.” – Ahmad Fuadi

8. "A couple who travels together, grows together." – Ahmad Fuadi

This short and sweet couple travel quote sums up the value of traveling together well. Spending so much time together and navigating unfamiliar places is the perfect recipe for growing closer.

9. “Travel brings power and love back to your life.” – Rumi

9. "Travel brings power and love back to your life." – Rumi

This cute travel quote for couples works for non-couples and other travelers too. I like the sentiment that travel can be empowering and also help build relationships.

10. “So, come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned.” – J. M. Barrie

10. "So, come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned." – J. M. Barrie

This iconic travel saying for couples comes from Peter Pan and captures the childlike wonder and sense of adventure that come with exploring the world together.

11. “Oh darling, let’s be adventurers.” – Anon

11. "Oh darling, let’s be adventurers." – Anon

It doesn’t get much more poetic than this couples vacation quote. If you haven’t started planning your next trip together yet, let this quote be a sign to get started!

12. “Love is meant to be an adventure.” – Gordon B. Hinckley

12. "Love is meant to be an adventure." – Gordon B. Hinckley

This short couples travel quote is good advice for both romantic relationships in general and travel. It’s also a great reminder to stay positive throughout the ups and downs and think of it all as an adventure.

13. “If life is a journey, then let my soul travel and share your pain.” – Santosh Kalwar

13. "If life is a journey, then let my soul travel and share your pain." – Santosh Kalwar

Sharing the good and bad times with someone we love lightens our load and makes the long journey through life or to our next travel destination a little easier.

14. “I always have many roads to travel, but I take the one which leads to you.” – Amit Kalantri

14. "I always have many roads to travel, but I take the one which leads to you." – Amit Kalantri

This lovely vacation quote for couples is also a fantastic metaphor for a good relationship. There are many choices that come up in life, but love means choosing to be with your partner over and over again.

15. “I would go everywhere and anywhere with you.” – Cassandra Clare

15. "I would go everywhere and anywhere with you." – Cassandra Clare

This adorable travelling with your partner quote is a great response to use when your partner asks where you want to go on your next trip.

16. “Together is a beautiful place to be.” – Unknown

16. "Together is a beautiful place to be." – Unknown

There’s no denying that this love quote about traveling together is 100% true.

17. “You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.” – Thich Nhat Hahn

17. "You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free." – Thich Nhat Hahn

This travelling partner quote offers a beautiful way of looking at love and travel. Being with your partner should be a liberating experience that allows you to live life to the fullest.

18. “We have nothing to lose and a world to see.” –Rainie Navarro

18. "We have nothing to lose and a world to see." –Rainie Navarro

This is the perfect wanderlust couple travel quote to inspire you and your partner to start exploring. Experiencing the many amazing places the world has to offer is worth it, especially when you can do it together.

19. “We’d rather have a passport full of stamps than a house full of stuff.” – Anonymous

19. "We’d rather have a passport full of stamps than a house full of stuff." – Anonymous

This travel quote for couples is all about priorities, and if you’re a huge travel buff like us, it will definitely ring true!

20. “I would gladly live out of a suitcase if it meant I could see the world with you.” – Unknown

20. "I would gladly live out of a suitcase if it meant I could see the world with you." – Unknown

Sometimes, being together means sacrificing a few comforts, but for us, love and world travel are well worth living out of a suitcase.

Funny Couple Travel Quotes

These funny travel quotes for couples will provide you with some relatable humor while you’re on the road with your partner.

21. “I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” – Mark Twain

21. "I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them." – Mark Twain

Mark Twain is well known for his wise and witty sayings like this one, which is as true as it is funny.

22. “When travelling with someone, take large doses of patience and tolerance with your morning coffee.” – Helen Hayes

22. "When travelling with someone, take large doses of patience and tolerance with your morning coffee." – Helen Hayes

As this funny travel with your love quote points out, taking a trip with your partner isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. That’s where having a little patience (and some caffeine!) comes in.

23. “You have the passport to my heart.” – Anonymous

23. "You have the passport to my heart." – Anonymous

This couple travel quote may sound a little corny, but it’s also sweet and cute.

24. “Life is about doing things that don’t suck with people who don’t suck.” – John Green

24. "Life is about doing things that don’t suck with people who don’t suck." – John Green

This humorous couple trip quote speaks for itself: do things you love with people you love and you’ll have a great time!

25. “We haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on our list.” – Susan Sontag

25. "We haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on our list." – Susan Sontag

This holiday quote for couples is a fantastic reminder to not only have travel goals, but also try to make them come true. Make your dream adventures a reality!

26. “Love is the food of life. Travel is dessert.” – Anonymous

26. "Love is the food of life. Travel is dessert." – Anonymous

I love the metaphors in this travel saying for couples. Love is the thing that keeps us alive, while travel is the occasional pleasure that we enjoy the most.

27. “Be careful who you make memories with. Those things can last a lifetime.” – Ugo Eze

27. "Be careful who you make memories with. Those things can last a lifetime." – Ugo Eze

As this lighthearted travel with your partner quote suggests, memories of an adventure can last forever. Sharing good times with your partner will be something the two of you can treasure for a long time.

28. “A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.” – John Steinbeck

28. "A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it." – John Steinbeck

This famous travel marriage quote has a great message. Travel can throw a lot of unexpected events your way, so just roll with the punches and make the best of what you’ve got.

29. “Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the wild stuff that happens along the way.” – Emma Chase

29. "Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the wild stuff that happens along the way." – Emma Chase

This reframing of the classic “it’s about the journey, not the destination” is a good reminder to make the most of every part of your trip with your partner.

30. “If traveling were free, we’d be gone forever.” – Unknown

30. "If traveling were free, we'd be gone forever." – Unknown

This wanderlust couple travel quote sums up having the travel bug pretty nicely. I think we’d be gone forever if traveling were free too!

31. “The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait until that other is ready, and it may be a long time before they get off.” – Henry David Thoreau

31. "The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait until that other is ready, and it may be a long time before they get off." – Henry David Thoreau

Traveling with your partner can involve a lot of work. You need to coordinate schedules, agree on a destination, book flights and hotels, and more. Even with all of this effort, traveling together is still worth it; just remember to be patient if it takes a little while for things to come together.

32. “Let’s never come here again because it would never be as much fun.” – Lost in Translation

32. "Let’s never come here again because it would never be as much fun." – Lost in Translation

As this happy couple travel together quote shows, it’s pretty impossible to replicate an incredible couples’ trip to a destination exactly as it happened. That doesn’t mean you can’t try, though – revisiting favorite spots can be a new adventure every time!

33. “[We] travel a lot; [we] hate having [our] life disrupted by routine.” – Caskie Stinnett

33. "[We] travel a lot; [we] hate having [our] life disrupted by routine." – Caskie Stinnett

If you and your partner regularly feel the urge to travel, this adventurous couples quote is for you. Why stick with routine when there’s a whole beautiful world to see?

34. “The only thing I love more than traveling is you… and eating.” – Anonymous

34. "The only thing I love more than traveling is you... and eating." – Anonymous

This couple vacation quote is the perfect romantic sentiment for travel lovers and foodies.

35. “If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it is lethal.” – Paulo Coelho

35. "If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it is lethal." – Paulo Coelho

Sometimes, we just need a little push to get started on our next adventure. This insightful quote from the author of The Alchemist will definitely inspire you to get outside your comfort zone.

36. “Just as there are some wives who will occasionally need a break from their husbands in order to visit a spa for the weekend with their girlfriends, I will always be the sort of wife who occasionally needs a break from her husband in order to visit Cambodia. Just for a few days!” – Elizabeth Gilbert

36. "Just as there are some wives who will occasionally need a break from their husbands in order to visit a spa for the weekend with their girlfriends, I will always be the sort of wife who occasionally needs a break from her husband in order to visit Cambodia. Just for a few days!" – Elizabeth Gilbert

As this vacation with husband quote suggests, there are times when you might feel like going on a little solo adventure, and that’s okay – embrace it!

37. “I found someone who looks at me the way I look at travel brochures.” – Unknown

37. "I found someone who looks at me the way I look at travel brochures." – Unknown

This hilarious couples trip quote points out the romantic standard you should be aiming for.

Couple Adventure Quotes

These adventure quotes for couples will have you racing to plan your next romantic getaway. If you’re ready to go an adventure together, keep reading!

38. “Here’s to all the places we went. And here’s to all the places we’ll go. And here’s to me whispering again and again and again and again: I love you.” – John Green

38. "Here’s to all the places we went. And here’s to all the places we’ll go. And here’s to me whispering again and again and again and again: I love you." – John Green

I just love this romantic couple travel quote, which is yet another example of how travel and love go together so well.

39. “I have loved her, my little wanderer, with a mind full of wild forests and eyes that await adventures.” – Conny Cernik

39. "I have loved her, my little wanderer, with a mind full of wild forests and eyes that await adventures." – Conny Cernik

This travel with girlfriend quote expresses just how beautiful a sense of adventure can be in someone else. Being with someone who wants to see the world can inspire us to see it with them.

40. “Travel is like love, mostly because it’s a heightened state of awareness, in which we are mindful, receptive, undimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed. That is why the best trips, like the best love affairs, never really end.” – Pico Iyer

40. "Travel is like love, mostly because it’s a heightened state of awareness, in which we are mindful, receptive, undimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed. That is why the best trips, like the best love affairs, never really end." – Pico Iyer

Pico Iyer captures the magic of love and travel so well in this poetic travel quote for couples. Hopefully, you feel the same way about your partner and your adventures together!

41. “Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

41. "Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

There’s no feeling more special than being on the same page as your partner, especially when it means you’re both excited about travel and adventure.

42. “Being with you turned out to be the wildest, boldest, and the most beautiful adventure I ever took. You’re my crazy adventure.” – Shubhangi

42. "Being with you turned out to be the wildest, boldest, and the most beautiful adventure I ever took. You’re my crazy adventure." – Shubhangi

Going an adventure doesn’t always have to mean traveling to the opposite side of the world. Sometimes, we can find adventure in the everyday moments with the person we love.

43. “Will you give me yourself? Will you come travel with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?” – Walt Whitman

43. "Will you give me yourself? Will you come travel with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?" – Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman was a nineteenth-century American poet, and this couple adventure quote comes from his poem “Song of the Open Road.” Here, Whitman captures the beauty of committing to a life of travel alongside your partner.

44. “I’ve fallen in love with adventures, so I begin to wonder, if that’s why I’ve fallen for you.” – E. Grin

44. "I’ve fallen in love with adventures, so I begin to wonder, if that’s why I’ve fallen for you." – E. Grin

This adventurous couple quote is perfect for couples who already loved adventure and then found it in each other.

45. “It’s wonderful to travel with someone you love and we never travel without one another.” – Roger Moore

45. "It’s wonderful to travel with someone you love and we never travel without one another." – Roger Moore

This simple and sweet couple traveling quote sums up why it’s so great to travel with the person you love.

46. “Take that person and travel around the world. Buy a plane ticket for the two of you to travel all around the world and go to places that are hard to get to and hard to get out of. And when you come back… and if you’re still in love with that person… get married at the airport.” – Bill Murray

46. "Take that person and travel around the world. Buy a plane ticket for the two of you to travel all around the world and go to places that are hard to get to and hard to get out of. And when you come back… and if you’re still in love with that person… get married at the airport." – Bill Murray

Bill Murray offers quite a pearl of wisdom here. If you can survive a trip with someone, you can survive just about anything by their side.

47. “I love your feet because they wandered over the earth and through the wind and water until they brought you to me.” – Pablo Neruda

47. "I love your feet because they wandered over the earth and through the wind and water until they brought you to me." – Pablo Neruda

This couple traveling together quote shows that sometimes you have adventures before you meet the person you love. Luckily, love doesn’t mean those adventures have to stop. If anything, wandering should become even better with the good company!

48. “I would not wish any companion in the world but you.” – William Shakespeare

48. "I would not wish any companion in the world but you." – William Shakespeare

You can’t go wrong with a couples trip quote from the Bard himself. Share this quote with your partner before you go on your next trip together.

49. “Home is not where you are from, it is where you belong. Some of us travel the whole world to find it. Others, find it in a person.” – Beau Taplin

49. "Home is not where you are from, it is where you belong. Some of us travel the whole world to find it. Others, find it in a person." – Beau Taplin

And others travel the world with the person they find home in! Which kind of person are you?

50. “We travel in essence to become young fools again – to slow time down and get taken in and fall in love once more.” – Pico Iyer

50. "We travel in essence to become young fools again – to slow time down and get taken in and fall in love once more." – Pico Iyer

This travel with your partner quote captures just how special and transformative traveling can be. It’s the perfect time to fall (more) in love!

51. “Happiness is planning a trip to somewhere new, with someone you love.” – Marie Cribaillet

51. "Happiness is planning a trip to somewhere new, with someone you love." – Marie Cribaillet

If you and your partner are travel buffs, this travel saying for couples is for you.

52. “My heart is your home, wherever in the world you are- you will always have a place to stay.” – K.A. Hill

52. "My heart is your home, wherever in the world you are- you will always have a place to stay." – K.A. Hill

As this couples travel quote reminds us, sometimes being far from home can get lonely. Luckily, traveling with someone we love means we’ll always have a piece of home with us.

53. “What we find in a soul mate is not something wild to tame, but something wild to run with.” – Robert Brault

53. "What we find in a soul mate is not something wild to tame, but something wild to run with." – Robert Brault

One of the best parts about love is that it frees you and your partner to be the best versions of yourselves and spurs you on toward new adventures.

54. “You’d be surprised who the love of your life turns out to be. After all, adventure fell in love with lost.” – Mary Oliver

54. "You’d be surprised who the love of your life turns out to be. After all, adventure fell in love with lost." – Mary Oliver

This travel saying for couples is a great one to share with the person you consider to be the love your life.

55. “We travel for romance, we travel for architecture, and we travel to be lost.” – Ray Bradbury

55. "We travel for romance, we travel for architecture, and we travel to be lost." – Ray Bradbury

Everyone travels for different reasons, but Ray Bradbury, who you probably know as the author of Fahrenheit 451, lists some great motives for exploring.

56. “Love, like everything else in life, should be a discovery, an adventure, and like most adventures, you don’t know you’re having one until you’re right in the middle of it.” – E.A. Bucchianeri

56. "Love, like everything else in life, should be a discovery, an adventure, and like most adventures, you don’t know you’re having one until you’re right in the middle of it.” – E.A. Bucchianeri

Like many of the other travel love quotes for couples, this one focuses on the similarities between love and adventure. One reason why love and travel pair so well together is that they both involve adventure.

57. “The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with those who matter to you.” – Ritu Ghatourey

57. "The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with those who matter to you." – Ritu Ghatourey

This is one of the best couple travel quotes because it reminds us to appreciate the little moments we spend with our partner, whether they happen on the road, in a new city, or in your hometown.

58. “Every heart seeks adventure. Some find it in the frost mountains resting along the horizon, some find it in the windy seashores, and some find it in the damp rain forests. While I’ve found my adventure in you.” – Ankit Choubey

58. "Every heart seeks adventure. Some find it in the frost mountains resting along the horizon, some find it in the windy seashores, and some find it in the damp rain forests. While I’ve found my adventure in you." – Ankit Choubey

This is another romantic couple trip quote that expresses how important adventure can be to finding fulfillment. If you can find that fulfillment in another person, even better!

59. “Travel. Make memories. Have adventures. Because I guarantee that when you’re 85 and on your death bed you won’t think about that flashy car you bought, or the twenty pairs of designer shoes you owned. But you will think about that time you got lost in your favourite city. The nights spent falling in love under the stars and all the beautiful people you met along the way. You’ll think of the moments that made you feel truly alive. And at the very end, those memories will be the only valuable possessions you own.” – Sushant Kaushik

59. "Travel. Make memories. Have adventures. Because I guarantee that when you’re 85 and on your death bed you won’t think about that flashy car you bought, or the twenty pairs of designer shoes you owned. But you will think about that time you got lost in your favourite city. The nights spent falling in love under the stars and all the beautiful people you met along the way. You’ll think of the moments that made you feel truly alive. And at the very end, those memories will be the only valuable possessions you own." – Sushant Kaushik

This relationship couple travel quote is a beautiful reminder to live life to the fullest while you still can. Go on that big adventure you’ve been dreaming of, bring your partner, and make some memories together that will last a lifetime.

60. “Travel opens your heart, broadens your mind, and fills your life with stories to tell.” – Paula Bendfeldt

60. "Travel opens your heart, broadens your mind, and fills your life with stories to tell." – Paula Bendfeldt

This holiday quote for couples lists all the amazing benefits of travel for couples and other travelers alike. If you haven’t been convinced to start planning a couple’s vacation yet, this quote should be the motivation you need.

61. “We don’t just get to grow old together. We get to grow up together. And that’s the real adventure.” – Mariya Jinwala

61. "We don’t just get to grow old together. We get to grow up together. And that’s the real adventure." – Mariya Jinwala

As this adventure couple quote suggests, enjoying life with your partner can be a wonderful adventure in and of itself. Savor those moments of growing up and growing old together!

Travel with Husband Quotes // Travel with Wife Quotes

If you’re married, you’ll know that traveling with your husband or wife can be an incredibly rewarding experience. These travel with husband quotes and travel with wife quotes will hopefully help you reflect on your travels together and appreciate all the amazing memories.

62. “Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures.” – Lewis Carroll

62. "Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures." – Lewis Carroll

Next time you’re trying to think of a good birthday gift or Christmas present, consider giving your wife the gift of travel. If she’s a travel buff, she’ll definitely appreciate your thoughtfulness.

63. “Why should a relationship mean settling down? Wait for someone who won’t let life escape you, who’ll challenge you and drive you towards your dreams. Someone spontaneous who you can get lost in the world with. A relationship, with the right person, is a release, not a restriction.” – Beau Taplin

63. "Why should a relationship mean settling down? Wait for someone who won’t let life escape you, who’ll challenge you and drive you towards your dreams. Someone spontaneous who you can get lost in the world with. A relationship, with the right person, is a release, not a restriction." – Beau Taplin

This beautiful travel quote for married couples shows that marriage doesn’t have to mean the end of your adventures. If anything, marriage is the start of a whole new set of adventures that you’ll share together!

64. “May your adventures bring you closer together, even as they take you far away from home.” – Trenton Lee Stewart

64. "May your adventures bring you closer together, even as they take you far away from home." – Trenton Lee Stewart

Ideally, travel will strengthen the bond between you and your partner, especially as you get further from home. This sweet travel couple quote is the perfect sentiment to share with any couple embarking on a trip together.

65. “We are the luckiest people in the world. How many couples get to travel together and spend quality time, like we do?” – Lindsey Gormley

65. "We are the luckiest people in the world. How many couples get to travel together and spend quality time, like we do?" – Lindsey Gormley

Sometimes, we forget to take a moment to appreciate all the beautiful parts of our lives. If you’re someone who’s lucky enough to be able to travel with their partner, this traveling quote for couples will definitely ring true.

66. “I would like to travel the world with you twice- once to see the world, twice to see the way you see the world.” – Unknown

66. "I would like to travel the world with you twice- once to see the world, twice to see the way you see the world." – Unknown

Seeing the world through the eyes of the person we love allows us to see things in a whole new way. Traveling with your partner can give you the fresh perspective you need.

67. “We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.” – Paulo Coelho

67. "We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity." – Paulo Coelho

This couple vacation quote expresses how valuable the time we spend with our partners and the love we share with them is.

68. “We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.” – Anaïs Nin

68. "We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls." – Anaïs Nin

As this travel quote for couples states, all of us are in travelers in one form or another. Hopefully, you and your partner are the same type of traveler!

69. “Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone’s hand is the beginning of a journey. At other times, it is allowing another to take yours.” – Vera Nazarian

69. "Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone’s hand is the beginning of a journey. At other times, it is allowing another to take yours." – Vera Nazarian

This traveling partner quote shows that one of the best parts of traveling with your significant other is the mutual support. There may be give and take, but you’ll always be there for each other.

70. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – An African Proverb

70. "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." – An African Proverb

I love this happy couple travel together quote because it’s so true. Traveling with your husband or wife really does enrich and give new depth to the experience.

71. “Home is wherever I’m with you.” – Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

71. "Home is wherever I’m with you." – Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

This short couple travel quote is especially comforting if you’re far from home but lucky enough to have your partner by your side.

72. “Traveling is the best thing any couple (new or old) can do. That’s how we had the idea of the honeymoon. Newlywed couples going to a new place on their own so that all they could have is each other.” – Salil Jha

72. "Traveling is the best thing any couple (new or old) can do. That’s how we had the idea of the honeymoon. Newlywed couples going to a new place on their own so that all they could have is each other.” – Salil Jha

This travel marriage quote is the perfect saying to share with a newly married couple or to caption your own honeymoon photos.

73. “We love together. We laugh together. We wander together. This is our life on repeat and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” – Justine Jenkins

73. "We love together. We laugh together. We wander together. This is our life on repeat and I wouldn’t have it any other way." – Justine Jenkins

This adventurous couples quote sounds like a dream life to me! If you love travel as much as we do, hopefully you and your partner have found a version of this life for yourselves.

74. “Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh, be swift to love, make haste to be kind.” – Henri Frederic Amiel

74. "Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh, be swift to love, make haste to be kind." – Henri Frederic Amiel

As this gorgeous couple adventure quote expresses, love and kindness can truly bring happiness to others and brighten their lives.

75. “To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with.” – Mark Twain

75. "To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with." – Mark Twain

This love quote about traveling together is totally true. You really do feel happier when you can share your experiences with the person you love.

76. “And just like that, we’re on our way to everywhere!” – Emery Lord

76. "And just like that, we’re on our way to everywhere!" – Emery Lord

This travel quote for couples is the perfect way to start off a new adventure together.

77. “I want to travel the world with two things in my hands: your hand in one and a camera in the other.” – Unknown

77. "I want to travel the world with two things in my hands: your hand in one and a camera in the other." – Unknown

As this cute travel quote for couples reminds us, capturing your amazing travel memories together on film is a key part of any couple’s adventure.

78. “I live to travel. I love to travel. As long as you’re by my side.” – Unknown

78. "I live to travel. I love to travel. As long as you’re by my side." – Unknown

The best travel quotes for couples don’t have to be complicated, as this one shows. Share this saying with your husband or wife before you embark on your next adventure together.

79. “No road is long with good company.” – Turkish proverb

79. "No road is long with good company." – Turkish proverb

This travel with partner quote is short but poetic. Having your partner by your side as you travel really does make every part of your journey better.

80. “Sharing adventures means enjoying them 100% more.” – Unknown

80. "Sharing adventures means enjoying them 100% more." – Unknown

As this holiday quote for couples suggests, sharing an experience with your partner will enhance your joy and give you both something to remember.

81. “My love for you is a journey; starting at forever, and ending at never.” – Unknown

81. "My love for you is a journey; starting at forever, and ending at never." – Unknown

This couple traveling quote is for the hopeless romantics. Here’s hoping that your love and travel journeys will be equally smooth.

82. “The universe just knows when souls are wired to wreck the world together!” – Erin Van Vuren

82. "The universe just knows when souls are wired to wreck the world together!" – Erin Van Vuren

Hopefully, you’ve found the person you’re wired to wreak havoc with!

83. “We wander to collect stories and memories that will keep us warm when we are old.” – Unknown

83. "We wander to collect stories and memories that will keep us warm when we are old." – Unknown

This is the perfect couple adventure quote to spark your wanderlust and get you started on planning your next couple’s trip.

84. “You are the end of my road. After a lifetime of missed exits and wrong turns, you feel like I’m finally home. One journey ends, and another begins with you.” – Unknown

84. “You are the end of my road. After a lifetime of missed exits and wrong turns, you feel like I’m finally home. One journey ends, and another begins with you.” – Unknown

This couple road trip quote is yet another example of how love and travel work together so nicely.

85. “Our journey isn’t perfect but it’s ours…and I’ll stick with you till the end.” – Unknown

85. "Our journey isn’t perfect but it’s ours…and I’ll stick with you till the end." – Unknown

I love the honesty and realism in this travel quote for couples. No relationship is perfect, but every relationship is beautiful in its own way, flaws and all.

I hope these travel quotes for couples helped remind you of how wonderful traveling with your significant other can be! Maybe you’re feeling inspired to plan your next getaway together or you found a perfect couple travel saying to share with someone.

Either way, let me know in the comments if any of these couple trip quotes moved you or felt relatable – there are so many that are close to my heart! Also, if you need more travel inspiration, check out these 100 travel quotes that will awaken your wanderlust.

Wishing you all the best on your next adventure!

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Hey there, I'm Ascen, your personal trip planner on a mission to help you craft the most incredible adventure of your life. While I'm based in Las Vegas, you won't find me there often. As a full-time traveler, I'm always on the go, exploring new destinations and capturing the world through my lens. From the enchanting shores of Almeria, Spain, where I grew up, to the far reaches of the globe, I'm here to provide you with detailed travel guides and practical tips to make your trip planning a breeze. Find out more about me here.
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